Employer Matching Gift Programs and Retail Programs

  • What is a matching gift?

    Companies financially match employee donations made to a non-profit of their choice.

    It all starts with YOU!

    We might be able to double, and in some cases triple, your donation through your employer’s matching gift program.

    How do I know if my company has a matching gift program?

    Click here to see if your company has a matching gift program.

    Yes, my employer has a matching gift program! What now?
    1. Check your employer’s website for matching gift program. Human Resources or Community Relations Departments may be helpful resources too.

    2. Complete your employer’s matching gift paperwork

    3. Contact Kate Mullen in Development (kamullen@vfes.net, 610-296-6735 x108) about your match. Kate will let you know when we receive your matching gift and follow up with your employer’s matching gift program if needed.

    My employer does not have a matching gift program.

    No worries! We have several ways you can support VFES and The Vanguard School.

  • Donate

Retail Rewards

  • General Mills Box Tops  

    Rite Aid

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