In The News
Daily Local News: What Is a Sensory Processing Disorder?
Daily Local News - What Is a Sensory Processing Disorder.pdf 786.44 KB (Last Modified on August 18, 2015) -
Subaru Drive Magazine: Growing Smiles at the New Vangarden
Subaru Drive Magazine - Growing Smiles at the New Vangarden.pdf 686.19 KB (Last Modified on July 8, 2015) -
MetroKids: Stop Coddling! Featuring Dr. Kathy Wilkins
Stop Coddling - Featuring Dr. Kathy Wilkins - MetroKids.pdf 728.29 KB (Last Modified on June 9, 2014) -
Daily Local News: April is Autism Awareness Month
April is Autism Awareness Month - Daily Local News -.png.jpg 127.44 KB (Last Modified on June 9, 2014) -
MetroKids: Tech Talk - Occupational Outlooks
Two VFES occupational therapists discuss the pros and caveats of using assistive technology with children on the autism spectrum.
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