About the Middle School
In middle school, students' emotional and behavioral needs are a focus of instruction. Students are supported through numerous initiatives across the curriculum and enhancement programs.
In addition to academics, the middle school extended offerings include physical education, home arts, computer studies, music, wood shop, keyboarding, library resources, health, art, transition planning, daily living skills and the Program of Adventure-Based Counseling Experiences (PACE).
Middle school students participate in the Work Orientation Readiness Center (WORC) where they learn and practice appropriate interactions with peers and adults, explore interests related to career options and develop work skills through a variety of in-school work experiences.
Middle School Contact
Kimberly KingSupervisor of Special Education - Secondary610.296.6700 x212Andrea LyonUpper School Program Coordinator610.296.6700 x266(Not Pictured)Monica MillerAdministrative Assistant610.296.6700 x221