Funding Sources

  • Adult Autism Waiver
    Customized Workforce Solutions provides in-community services and employment support services for individuals with autism spectrum disorder diagnosis through Pennsylvania’s Adult Autism Waiver. The Bureau of Autism Services handles all applications and referrals. For more information about this program, eligibility requirements and/or to request an application, please contact the Bureau of Autism Services at 1-866-539-7689.

    Consolidated and Person/Family Directed (P/FDS) Waivers
    Individuals who have Consolidated Waiver or P/FDS waiver may receive our services. To participate in services funded through this waiver, individuals must be enrolled in the waiver program. County offices and support coordination organizations can assist individuals in getting into the waiver program. Please contact your County office or Supports Coordination Organization regarding enrollment.

    Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
    Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties

    Customized Workforce Solutions (CWS) is an approved provider of Discovery and Customized Employment through the PA Department of Labor and Industry’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). If eligible for services, please contact your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) to discuss pursuing Discovery and Customized Employment services through Valley Forge Educational Services' Customized Workforce Solutions.

    Pre-Employment Transition Services for Eligible Youth
    Valley Forge Educational Services has partnered with the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) to provide the Vocational Immersion Program as a Pre-Employment Transition Services (PETS) provider for Youth, ages 14-21, with a disability who have an IEP or 504 plan.

    Private Pay
    VFES accepts private pay throughout Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey.


    Career Discovery and Assessment
    CWS observes and assesses the participant’s strengths, needs, preferences and work experiences. The participant receives a Vocational Profile that includes three vocational assessments, potential job skills, work setting recommendations and a list of relevant community businesses. 8–10 week process.

    Job Development
    Includes interview practice, resume development and employer connections. The participant receives a Customized Plan for Employment that outlines ideal work conditions, potential job tasks, employer contacts and recommended action steps. 8–10 week process.

    Job Finding and Retention
    $90 per hour
    Employer training and consultation, site visits, evaluations of the employee’s performance and team meetings.

    Supported Employment
    $80 per hour
    An employment specialist provides on-the-job support. Support is provided on both a short-term and long-term basis depending on need.

    Discovery and Assessment and Job Development

    • Option 1
      Pay in full when services begin. Receive a 3% discount.
    • Option 2
      Pay 50% of charges when services begin. The remaining 50% is due within 21 days of service completion.
    • Option 3
      The total plan is split equally into three payments. The first payment is due when services begin. The second payment is due midway through the services. The final payment is due upon completion of services. There is a $50 service charge to enroll in the installment payment plan.

    All Hourly-Based Fees are due upon receipt of invoice.


  • We realize that navigating funding for services can be overwhelming. We are here to help!

    For more information, or to schedule an intake meeting:
    610.296.6725 x146

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