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ESSER Information
ESSER Plan Summary
Valley Forge Educational Services is pleased to share our plan submitted in February 2022 to the PA Department of Education Division of Federal Programs summarizing our use of ESSER funds through September 2024. We will periodically update the VFES community and the public on our progress and any approved modifications made in implementing this plan through various communication channels, including our website, annual report and monthly newsletter eblast. Thank you for your interest.
Click here to view the ESSER Plan Summary
ESSER Stakeholder Survey Results
In October 2021, we emailed surveys requesting input to three VFES stakeholder groups: parents/guardians of current Vanguard students, current staff and the VFES Board of Trustees. The survey results are an important part of our grant application for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ARP ESSER).
The purpose of ARP ESSER funding is to promote safe school operations and equity-driven, sustainable, evidence-based programs to serve students—especially children with disabilities —to strengthen teaching and learning.
The aggregated results of funding priorities from all respondents are as follows: