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June Vanguard Program Spotlight

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In addition to teaching pre-vocational skills as Vanguard’s Work Orientation Readiness Center (WORC) teacher, Christine Chapracki also works with some of the younger Elementary students to help them develop independent life skills in specially formatted classes called Activities of Daily Living (ADL). ADL allows students to learn and practice appropriate interactions with peers and adults, explore interests related to career options, and develop work skills through a variety of in-school work experiences in a structured environment.

“I teach ADL to the Elementary verbal behavior students. Topics covered throughout the year include hygiene/toothbrushing, handwashing, healthy/unhealthy foods (fruits and veggies), food storage, hot and cold temperatures, dressing for the weather/clothing items, manners/when to use your fingers, when to use a fork or spoon when eating, cleaning and pets/animals,” said Chapracki.  She added that sign language is also used as part of the lessons.

In the photos below, students were eager to engage in a lesson about animals following a previous visit to Elmwood Zoo in Norristown, PA. Students categorized animals by pointing and also took turns dragging-and-dropping puzzle pieces to complete animal pictures on a Smart Board. Students also decided between photos of animals that would make good pets versus those that would be found mostly in the wild.

ADL students

ADL students